All materials within are property of and copyright 2017 B-Dry Owners Association, Inc.
The Original B-Dry® System and Thermoflo System used by many B-Dry® Licensees have received U.S. Government Patents in 1986. Various improvements have been made to these systems since their origination. Check with your local licensee about the details of the systems they use. B-Dry® System is the property of and the registered trademark belonging to B-Dry System, Incorporated. This website is owned by the BDOA members including some independent licensees and Franchisees of B-Dry System, Incorporated. Independent licensees of B-Dry System, Inc. exclusively issue and back their warranties. * Warranty is for the lifetime of the original owner or as long as the original owner owns the home. Check with your local licensees for the terms and conditions of their warranties.
The B-Dry Owners Association accepts whole responsibility for content of this website.